Dunbar, 1917
‘William C. Barry’, S. vulgaris
Dunbar 1917; S IV
syn. – Dunbar no. 227, ‘Willam C. Berry’, ‘Wm. C. Barry’
{‘Marlyensis Pallida’ × ? }
Dunbar, Horticulture 26:35 [1917]; Wister, Nat. Hort. Mag. 6(1):1-16 [1927]; McKelvey, The Lilac, 398 [1928]; Wister, Lilacs for America, 60 [1942], 43 [1953]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
Named for William C. Barry [1847-1916], horticulturist, elder son of Patrick Barry and last proprietor [1906-1916] of the nursery of Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, New York.
cultivar name presumed registered 1953; name established and accepted.
Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.
William C. Barry Dunbar according to Horticulture, xxvi. 35 (1917), name only; XXVII. 534 (1918), “Single, pearly lavender,” as W. C. Barry. — Dunbar in Florists Exch. September 22, 1923, 831, “Has numerous, upright, many shouldered clusters of single flowers, the color of which might be described as pearly lavender; it is decidedly charming”; Litt. ined. October 3, 1923, “Flowers single, 5/8 to 3/4 of an inch across, buds reddish lilac, silvery lavender or pearly lavender when fully open, somewhat cup shaped, spikes 2 to 3 compound. Branching habit open and vigorous. Tall.,,
Produced by John Dunbar of the Dept. of Parks, Rochester, N. Y.; in a letter the late Mr. Dunbar informed me that this was a seedling (no. 227 Dunbar) of Marlyensis pallida, named by him in 1917.
Notes on plant in Dept. of Parks, Rochester, N. Y. Flowers single, large; corolla-lobes cucullate, wrinkled, forming a saucer-shaped flower; tone pale; color in bud Deep Purplish Vinaceous to Vinaceous-Lilac (XLIV.) to Argyle Purple (XXXVII.); when expanded Purplish Lilac to Light Pinkish Lilac without, Hay’s Lilac marked with Pale Lilac (XXXVII.) and with white near throat within. Clusters pyramidal, well-filled, long. The flowers bear a striking resemblance to those of the parent form Marlyensis pallida as it grows in the Arnold Arboretum.
“THE LILAC: A Monograph” Susan Delano McKelvey, MacMillan, New York, 1928
‘William C. Barry’, Dunbar, 1917
Диаметр цветка 2 см
Соцветие из 1-2 пар метелок длиной 20 см
Цвет лилово-голубой, переливчатый, похож на ‘General Sherman’, но есть складочки по центру лепестка
Куст широкий, до 3 м
Татьяна Полякова, Highland Botanical Park, Рочестер, Нью-Йорк, 2013 год
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