Paterson, 1960
‘Frank Paterson’, S. vulgaris
Paterson 1960; S VII
syn. – ‘Frank G. Paterson’, ‘Frank Patterson’
Schloen, US Plant Patent No. 2076 [Aug. 1, 1961]; Wister, Arnoldia 23(4):81 [1963] – erroneously as ‘Frank Patterson’; Sheridan Nurs., Cat., 83 [1971]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
cultivar name registered 1963; name established and accepted.
Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.
A new and distinct variety of lilac plant, substantially as herein shown and described, characterized particularly as to novelty by the unique combination of a rapid and vigorous habit of plant growth, large heart-shaped leaves, a distinctive dark grey-green color and leathery texture of the foliage, exceptionally large individual florets each having 4 or 5 petals, a compact arrangement of the florets in the individual flower heads or spikes, exceptionally large flower heads or trusses, a distinctive Deep Reddish Purple general color tonality of the flowers and good persistence of the flower color without fading, recessed bright yellow flower stamens, exceptionally good hardiness to frost, unusually prolonged retention of the flower petals without dropping, a gradual opening habit of the flowers beginning at the bottom of each spike, and a strong and pleasing flower fragrance.
US Plant Patent № 2076 [Aug. 1, 1961]; Подробнее.
S VII Frank Paterson
Фрэнк Патерсон, Paterson 1960
Бутоны темно-пурпурные. Цветки густо-фиолетово-пурпурные, при отцветании пурпурно-лиловые, простые, очень крупные, плотные. Соцветия крупные, многовершинные, плотные, тяжелые, поникающие. Листья темно-зеленые, крупные. Кусты высокие, прямые. Цветет в поздние сроки.
«СИРЕНЬ. Коллекция ГБС РАН» И.Б. Окунева, Н.Л. Михайлов, А.С. Демидов, Москва, Наука, 2008
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