Flower City

Фото из ILS Journals

Quart. Jour. 42(2):ill. 65 [2013]

Lilacs – Proceedings 17(1):back cover ill. [1988]

Фото Татьяны Поляковой

Fenicchia, 1983

‘Flower City’, S. vulgaris
Fenicchia 1983; S II-VII
syn. – R92
{‘Rochester’ × ‘Madame Charles Souchet’}
Vrugtman, AABGA Bull. 18(3):87 [1985]; Hoepfl & Rogers, Lilac Newsletter 14(7):6 [1988]; Fiala, Lilacs, 94, 108, 219, Pl. 10 [1988]; Lilacs – Proceedings 17(1): back cover ill. [1988]; K. Millham, Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 42(2):60 & ill. 65 [2013]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
Named for the city of Rochester, New York, USA.
cultivar name registered 1983; name established and accepted.

Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.

Syringa vulgaris ‘Flower City’, Fenicchia

Seedling of hybrid origin (‘Rochester’ x ‘Madame Charles Souchet’). Large single florets to 2.7 cm in diameter; large dense thyrses to 20 cm long and 10 cm across; highly floriferous habit with up to 4 thyrses per stem; dense, compact, neat habit with height up to 1.50 m; florets double with up to 8 lobes; color striking (RHS Violet 88C), appearing dark blue; plant with above average vigor.

Raised by Richard A. Fenicchia, former Superintendent of Parks; described by James W. Kelly, Plant Taxonomist, Monroe County Department of Parks, 375 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14620, USA. To be introduced by the Monroe Department of Parks.

Lilac Registration 1983. Freek Vrugtman, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

‘Flower City’, single violet 10 violet-purple, ‘Rochester x ‘Madame Charles Souchet’, 1983
Father John Fiala considered this one of Dick Fenicchia’s finest hybrids. It displays single violet blooms with radial doubling, and the cup-shaped florets also reveal a showy silvery reverse side. Usually it is an upright grower, and can show vigorous growth after pruning or damage. A ‘Flower City’ at Highland Park, after severe winter storm damage, has resprouted with much strong new growth. Named after Rochester, New York, which is often referred to now as the flower city.

K. Millham, Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 42(2):60 [2013]

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