Christophe Colomb

Фото из “THE LILAC: A Monograph” Susan Delano McKelvey
Arnold Arboretum no 5117, June 2, 1926

Фото Татьяны Поляковой

Фото Татьяны Поляковой
Ботсад МГУ

Lemoine, 1905

‘Christophe Colomb’, S. vulgaris
Lemoine 1905; S IV
syn. – ‘Christoph Colomb’, ‘Christophe Colombe’, ‘Christophe Columb’
common name: Christopher Columbus
Lemoine, Cat. No. 161, 30 [1905]; Stand. Pl. Names, 485 [1923] – as Christopher Columbus; Kache, Gartenschönheit 5:82 [1924]; McKelvey, The Lilac, 276 [1928];
Wister, Lilacs for America, 45 [1942], 26 [1953]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
Named for Christophe Colomb, 1452-1506, the Portuguese circum-navigator.
Cultivar name presumed registered 1953; name established and accepted.

Международный регистр названий культиваров
рода Syringa L., сентябрь 2024

Christophe Colomb Lemoine, Cat. no. 161, 30 (1905), “Fleurs énormes, très rondes, lilas tendre.” — Havemeyer in Gard. Mag.XXV. 233 (1917).
Introduced in 1905 by the firm of V. Lemoine et fils, Nancy, France and one of their productions. Havemeyer gives the date of introduction as 1904. See Banquise for the explanation of this difference in dates.
Christopher Columbus has been adopted as approved common name by “Standardized Plant Names” (485, 1923).
Notes on plant in Arnold Arboretum (plant received from Lemoine in November, 1905; no. 5117 Arn. Arb.). Flowers single, symmetrical, large; corolla-lobes rounded at apex, cucullate, saucer-shaped; tone intermediate to pale; color in bud Deep Purplish Vinaceous to Vinaceous-Lilac (XLIV.); when expanded Light Vinaceous-Lilac to Pale Vinaceous-Lilac (XLIV.) without, Light Mauve (XXV.) to Hay’s Lilac (XXXVII.) with markings of white near throat within. Clusters long, conical, well-filled, large. This is to me one of the most distinct of all the garden forms of the Common Lilac, with saucer-shaped, unusually symmetrical flowers and closely filled clusters. These are numerous, the plant often flowering from two pairs of lateral buds on the same branchlet.

“THE LILAC: A Monograph” Susan Delano McKelvey, MacMillan, New York, 1928

Христофор Колумб    Christophe Colomb   (Lemoine, 1905)
Бутоны густо-лиловые; цветки нежно-лиовые, со светлым окаймлением, крупные (до 2,5 см), простые, очень душистые; лепестки широкоовальные, почти круглые, со слегка приподнятыми краями. Соцветия, как правило, из одной пары длинных, плотных, хорошо сформированных метелок размерами 20 х 10 см. Кусты средней высоты, компактные. Цветет в средние сроки.

«ВИДЫ И СОРТА СИРЕНИ, КУЛЬТИВИРУЕМЫЕ В СССР» Л.И. Рубцов, Н.Л. Михайлов, В. Г. Жоголева, Киев, Наукова Думка, 1980

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