Daniels & Ludekens, 1989
В реестре сорт числится как ‘LECburg’, но на сайте мы оставили это имя, так как оно более распространено и привычно.
‘LECburg’, S. vulgaris
Daniels & Ludekens 1989; S VII
marketed in the USA as BURGUNDY QUEEN ®
{presumably a mutation of ‘Monge’}
L. E. Cooke Cat. 12 [1993] – as BURGUNDY QUEEN ®; Rogers, Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 27(1):2 [1998] – erroneously as ‘Burgundy Queen’; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD. Per LILACS 27(1):2 (Winter 1998), flowers are same color as ‘Monge’ but flowers one to two weeks earlier.
Cultivar name established and accepted.
Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.
‘Burgundy Queen’ is a cultivar of Monge’ that was selected by the L.E. Cooke Company in California. The color is the same as ‘Monge’, a very rich single red and a good bloomer. What is particular is that it flowers between 1-2 weeks before ‘Monge’.
Lilacs Volume 27 Number 1 Winter 1998
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