Lemoine, 1919
‘Boule Azurée’, S. vulgaris
Lemoine 1919; S III
syn. – ‘Boule Azure’, ‘Boule Azuree’
Lemoine, Cat. No. 193, 22 [1919]; McKelvey, The Lilac, 268 [1928]; Wister, Lilacs for America, 44 [1942], 25 [1953]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
Cultivar name presumed registered 1953; name established and accepted.
Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.
Boule azurée Lemoine, Cat. no. 191, 22 (1919), “Broad panicles of a rounded shape, large single flowers of a perfect form with cucullate lobes, lilac suffused azure blue.”
Introduced in 1919 by the firm of V. Lemoine et fils, Nancy, France and one of their productions.
Notes on plant in collection of T. A. Havemeyer, Glen Head, N. Y. (plant received from Lemoine in 1919). Flowers single, extra large; corolla-lobes broad, pointed at apex, sometimes cucullate, expanding into an extremely flat flower; anthers conspicuous; corolla-tube slender, moderately long; tone pale; color in bud Tourmaline Pink to Laelia Pink (XXXVIII.); when expanded white tinged with Light Pinkish Lilac without, Light Lobelia Violet tinged with Pale Lobelia Violet (XXXVII.) with markings of white near junction of corolla-lobes within. Clusters large, well-filled, showy. The flowers fade soon after expanding.
I have seen only the English edition of Lemoine’s catalogue no. 191.
“THE LILAC: A Monograph” Susan Delano McKelvey,
MacMillan, New York, 1928
Boule Azurée, S. vulgaris – Буль Азюре, Лемуан, 1919 г., Франция, голубоватая (III), простая.
Бутоны: тёмно-голубые с волнистой розоватой головкой
Цветки: синие, с затенением, с 3 продольными тонкими, более тёмными полосами вдоль лепестков, встречаются многолепестковые. Тычинки хорошо видны
Аромат: приятный
Куст: 3 м
Срок цветения: средний, цветёт очень обильно каждые 3-4 года
“СИРЕНЬ. Каталог сортов”. Наталья Савенко, Москва, 2019
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