
Фото Татьяны Поляковой
Ботсад Бруклина

Baltet, 1894

‘Bleuâtre’, S. vulgaris
Baltet 1894; S III
syn. – ‘Bleuatre’
Henry, Jardin 8:175 [1894]; McKelvey, The Lilac, 267-268 [1928]; Wister, Lilacs for America, 44 [1942], 25 [1953] Cultivar name presumed registered 1953; name established and accepted.

Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.

Bleuâtre L. Henry in Jardin, VIII. 175 (1894), “Variété nouvelle. Fleurs rouge vineux à l’extérieur; bleuâtres à l’intérieure. Inflorescences fortes et bien fournies, ” with single flowers. – Lemoine, Cat, no. 146, 24 (1900). – Catálogo Jeneral del Criadero de Arboles de “Santa Ines” (Nos. Chile, no. 5, año XXIV. [= 1912], 356, ” Grandes panículos de flores, reves de los pétalos rojo vinoso, con reflejos azulejos en la parte superior, colorido nuevo.”
Lemoine’s catalogue attributes this form to Baltet but does not state whether he was the producer or merely the distributor. It is listed in Baltet’s catalogue (1900-1901, 27) but no information is given as to its producer. Wister (House and Garden, March, 1926, 170) attributes it to Baltet but does not state his authority.
The Lilas bleuâtre which appears as a name only, in Oudin’s catalogue for 1846-1847, 10, is probably a reference to S. vulgaris rather than to this form.
Notes on plant in Arnold Arboretum (grown from cuttings taken June 25, 1900, from plant received from Lemoine in November, 1895; no, 3807-I Arn. Arb.). Flowers single, symmetrical, medium size; corolla-lobes pointed, slightly cucullate; anthers visible; tone intermediate; color in bud Deep Purplish Vinaceous to Vinaceous-Lilac (XLIV.); when expanded Pale Vinaceous-Lilac (XLIV.) without, Lavender-Violet (XXV.) marked with white within. Clusters compact, conical, medium size, numerous. This form has flowers which are a distinct bluish lavender within.

“THE LILAC: A Monograph” Susan Delano McKelvey,
MacMillan, New York, 1928

Bleuâtre, S. vulgaris – Блюатр, Бальте, 1894 г., Франция, голубоватая (III), простая.
Цветки: синеватые на красноватой подложке
Аромат: приятный
Куст: 3 м
Срок цветения: средний

“СИРЕНЬ. Каталог сортов”. Наталья Савенко, Москва, 2019

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