Bishop McQuaid

Фото Татьяны Поляковой
Хайленд Парк

Fenicchia, 1972

‘Bishop McQuaid’, S. vulgaris
Fenicchia 1972; S VII
syn. – ‘Bishop Bernard McQuaid’, ‘Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid’, R 63
{‘Rochester’ × ?}
Clark, ILS Newsletter, Convention Issue, 6-7 [May 1972]; Clark, Arnoldia 32(3):133-135 [1972]; Fiala, Lilacs, 105, 219 [1988]; Vrugtman, HortScience 32(4):587 [1997]; K. Millham, Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 42(2):63 ill. [2013]; Photo on Jorgovani/Lilacs 2015 DVD.
Named for the Rt. Rev. Bernard J. McQuaid, DD, 1829(?)-1909, rector of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Rochester, New York, USA.
Cultivar name registered 1996; name established and accepted.

Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.

Syringa vulgaris L. ‘Bishop McQuaid’. (syn. Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid, Bishop Bernard McQuaid, R63). Open-pollinated seedling of ‘Rochester’, 1964. Seedling flowered first in 1970. First distributed in 1988. Shrub to 3 m; suckering freely. Long narrow thyrses to 23 cm long and 16 cm across. Florets single, with radial doubling, to 1.7 cm in diameter; corolla tube 1 cm long. Flower buds purple-violet (81C, RHS Colour Chart) opening to purple-violet (87C). Flowers very fragrant. Name and partial descriptions appeared in: The Newsletter, ILS, Convention Issue, pp. 6-7 [May 1972]; Arnoldia 32(3):133-135 [1972]; Fiala, Lilacs, pp. 105, 219 [1988].

Lilac Registration 1996. Freek Vrugtman, Royal Botanical Gardens,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

‘Bishop McQuaid’
Fenicchia, 1972
Диаметр цветка 1,5 см
Соцветие длиной 18 см из 1-3 пар метелок
Цветение очень обильное

Татьяна Полякова, Highland Botanical Park, Рочестер, Нью-Йорк, 2013 год

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