Огни Донецка

Фото С.И. Терещенко

Огни Донецка

Терещенко , 2002

‘Ogni Donetska’, S. vulgaris
‘Огни Донецка’
Tereshchenko, 2002; S IV
{‘Hyazinthenflieder’ × ? }
Tereshchenko, Lilacs in the South-East of Ukraine, p. 115-116 [2002]; Chapman & Semyonova, Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 33(1):14-15 [2003] – translated from Tereshchenko, 2002.
Name: Russian for lights of Donetsk, the city where this lilac was originated.
Statutary registration UANA 2002;
cultivar name established and accepted.

Международный регистр названий культиваров рода Syringa L.

‘Огни Донецка’
Узкие удлинённые лепестки простых крупных (2,7см) лиловых  цветков изогнуты пропеллером. Соцветия крупные, ажурные, слегка поникающие. Кусты среднерослые, раскидистые, цветёт очень обильно в ранне-средние сроки.
Сорт выведен в Донецком ботаническом саду.

Описание автора. По материалам статьи “Сувенир из Донецка”, “Вестник Цветовода” №10(78),2007

‘OGNI DONETSKA’ (Lights of Denetsk). ‘Hyazinthenflieder’ x ?
Blooms at mid season. Buds deep lilac. Florets single, large (1.6-2.7 cm), lilac, and having s trong fragrance; petals are narrow, of oval-elongated shape with a propeller twist and they reflex backwards as they fade. Flower clusters large (12-21 cm high, 13-18 cm wide), formed of twin (rarely odd) wide-conical, slightly drooping panicles, hiding in foliage. Leaf wide oval, dark green, large (5.3-8.6 cm x 3.7-6 cm). Shrub medium tall, spreading, dense, with bent shoots and thick branches. Blooms abundantly in early mid-season. Morphological features and time of blooming are similar to ‘Gastello’ (Kolesnikov) but ‘Ogni Donetska’ differs by colour and the size and structure of the inflorescences. Distinctive for the large filigree panicles and the propeller shape of the florets. ?(SIV)

Описание автора. Перевод Chapman & Semyonova для журнала Lilacs – Quart. Jour. 33(1):15 [2003]

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